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WMAA Student Handbook

Minimum Requirements for 7th Kup - Green Belt

1 Basic Hand and Foot Techniques

  • Riding horse stance: Double knife hand strike combination, X-block low/high combination
  • Kicking techniques from sparring stance: Two-step rising kick, Two-step in-out crescent kick
  • Combination techniques: Down block/step middle punch

2. Combination Kicking Techniques

  • Rising kick/Front snap kick/Roundhouse kick
  • Double punch, Front snap kick

3. Form - Basic form #3

4. One-Step Sparring - #5 & #6

  • #5 - From Jhoon Bee position, RF back to fighting stance, with LH knife hand block: with RF front snap kick (do not put foot on ground) bring hands into "X" position above head, breathing in while bringing hands up, and breathing out while opening hand to sides (this movement is slow) then jumping front snap kick with LF.
  • #6 - RF stepping forward into back stance, your LH will be on your right shoulder, RH outside to inside block into punch: LH slides to arm of punch, RH knife hand to side of neck, then pull opponent's head to right knee.

5. Self-Defense - #5 & #6

  • #5 - Both hands grabbing shoulders from front - RH going over attacker's RH and grabbing, turning your shoulder and attacker's hand 90 degrees, pushing down with L elbow.
  • #6 - One hand grabbing chest area - RH going over attacker's RH and grabbing turning hand 180 degrees, with LH assisting push down on wrist.

6. Sparring 

  • 3 step combination sparring (no contact, good control)

7. Breaking Technique - Sliding side kick

8. General Knowledge

  • Tae Kwon Do is the ancient Korean martial art of self defense.
  • Tae Kwon Do --Tae - to jump or kick with the foot, Kwon - to defend with the hand, Do - the art or the way


"Your willingness to Go the Extra Mile, to give above and beyond what is expected, leads to mental growth, to physical skill and to perfection. This formulation is absolutely necessary for success."


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